Monday, February 15, 2010

Rutgers How Hard Is It To Get Into Rutgers New Brunswick Transferring From A NJ Community College?

How hard is it to get into Rutgers New Brunswick transferring from a NJ community college? - rutgers

I've heard that it is difficult to obtain a transfer from Rutgers to. What factors in most of the criteria and you think you need? Thank you so much!


  1. I moved to Rutgers University (main campus in New Brunswick before merging) Warren County Community College in 2003. At the time he had been assured that if they have completed a community college, a 3.2 or 3.5 or something like that I automatically included in a school of Rutgers (4.0). To do it safe and apply to several schools at Rutgers, if it can not graduate college in the community have a difficult time, but Rutgers does not need my SA notes or transcripts of secondary transcripts that my WCCC. It also gave me a full tuition scholarship for a member of Phi Theta Kappa, but I understand that these scholarships are limited.

  2. I transferred from Rutgers University in Union County in the fall of 2005. I had a 3.8 or 3.9 of the WFP in the UCC, who were followed for 1 year, I wrote a personal statement very well, and did not request letters of recommendation. I graduated from UCC applies only to Rutgers in me is not difficult, so I went to Fairleigh Dickinson University and Montclair University, and almost everywhere I applied. That yes, I graduated very low in my high school class for lack of motivation and sucked my SA, Rutgers, is fortunately not yet :-) Now I'm going to ask a dentist.

    Simply apply I'm sure u'll come
