Monday, February 1, 2010

24 Weeks Pregnant Cervical Erosion Cervical Erosion In Pregnancy?

Cervical erosion in pregnancy? - 24 weeks pregnant cervical erosion

Ok, we start from the beginning

In 24 weeks pregnant. Yesterday I was bleeding and went to the hospital where they checked the baby's heartbeat and it was nice and also has a scan and baby was very happy to be a internal and said that my throat was closed, because they feared that they have in early work could be, as I was in pain, but nothing too serious was a little embarrassed. He had noticed that he was an erosion of the cervix, I (one a year ago and treated) is now the bleeding has stopped, but I had a brown river as I woke up this morning and a few cramps, do you think should be nothing alarming about it problems in the workplace and in the future?


  1. Brown blood, old blood, so your body rid itself of the rest. But again reviewed. Good luck

  2. Brown blood, old blood, so your body rid itself of the rest. But again reviewed. Good luck
